You have given me new words now to describe what I have witnessed/experienced...percepticide is walking outdoors or sitting with a loved one and having our eyes glued to the glass and rare earth metal flat brick we call a cell phone.
Perspecticide is when in my busy-ness, I forget that the slightly stammering young man on the other end of the phone (telling me about a new service Scotiabank is offering )...must have had to psyche himself up to make that phone call to a stranger, and is hoping to be allowed to get through his pitch before the customer ends the conversation with a curt "I am not interested".
Being awake and keeping watch help us to not commit percepticide and perspecticide. ;-)
You have given me new words now to describe what I have witnessed/experienced...percepticide is walking outdoors or sitting with a loved one and having our eyes glued to the glass and rare earth metal flat brick we call a cell phone.
Perspecticide is when in my busy-ness, I forget that the slightly stammering young man on the other end of the phone (telling me about a new service Scotiabank is offering )...must have had to psyche himself up to make that phone call to a stranger, and is hoping to be allowed to get through his pitch before the customer ends the conversation with a curt "I am not interested".
Being awake and keeping watch help us to not commit percepticide and perspecticide. ;-)